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Nitashia Johnson | Image is Everything
to Oct 16

Nitashia Johnson | Image is Everything

WED. OCT. 7. 2:30 PM EST - Join us virtually in the Shircliff Gallery as designer and photographer Nitashia Johnson shares her creative path from student to first-round Sony Alpha Female Creator-in-residence. With an unwavering passion for design and photography she is an alumnus of the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) in Art & Design Education program at the Rhode Island School of Design. Johnson is currently developing a community-based media arts program for highly creative school teens. She uses her talents to make others happy, and to promote positive images of people of color.

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Shircliff Gallery exhibitions and speaker programs in the Art and Design Department are made possible in part with a generous grant from the Indiana Arts Commission; the Vanderburgh Community Foundation, a partner of the Community-Foundation Alliance, Inc.: and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. Additional support is provided by the Vincennes University Foundation. 

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