Carlos Diaz | Confederate Monuments in the American South
THUR. NOV. 12. 6:30 PM EST - Join the virtual discussion as the Shircliff Gallery presents the ongoing project by Artist/Educator Carlos Diaz, The Confederate Monuments in the American South. No single phenomenon has had more direct and impactful repercussions on the shaping of our countries historical and contemporary conditions, as that of race. As a person of color, there is no experience without that single piece of reality. In a general sense, this project, questions how race is intertwined with history, memory, place and how they manifest and reconcile within a contemporary American experience.
Anh-Thuy Nguyen | Boat Journey
PAST - Join us virtually at the Shircliff Gallery as Transdisciplinary artist Anh-Thuy Nguyen talks about the Boat Journey series. Nguyen shares her feelings of dual tensions of the impossibility of full assimilation in a new land and the difficulty of returning and reintegrating in one’s own culture. in her onging photographic project Boat Journey. The project focuses on a quest for a place where we, immigrants, seek to belong. Captured by prairies and coasts, a figure dressed in traditional Vietnamese tunic and pant, áo dài, holds onto a small makeshift leather boat. This boat is the ticket, the passport to the escapades. However, it gets stuck on the land, can never be set free.
Benjamin Timpson | About Face
PAST - Join us virtually as Benjamin Timpson walks us through the history of his creative process. Timpson combines is love for biology, art and activism through the complex creation of detailed portraits. He also introduces us to Oscar, his hand built 16"x20" View camera and explains the process of making 16"x20" paper negatives. Viewers use their smartphones to decode the negatives turning them into positives on their own devices.
Shircliff Gallery exhibitions and speaker programs in the Art and Design Department are made possible in part with a generous grant from the Indiana Arts Commission; the Vanderburgh Community Foundation, a partner of the Community-Foundation Alliance, Inc.: and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. Additional support is provided by the Vincennes University Foundation.